Your Trusted Local Birmingham and Solihull Removals Company
As a company Ryans Removals like to get involved with charity work and we have sponsored many good causes, organisations and events over the years, as we believe its always good to try and help others in need.

The Boot – Lapworth
In 2012 Ryans Removals sponsored the – Boot Old lads Let Out for Christmas kickstart for Prostate cancer and believe it to be a very important event and cause so once again decided to sponsor the event in December 2013. The reason, to raise awareness and funds for the Prostate Cancer cause annually at The Boot, Lapworth.
Three blokes walk into a pub, one says my dad’s got prostate cancer, second says so has mine. Third says, mine too, what are we going to do about it. Sadly, all three of our dads died and this page is promoting the annual event at which regulars at The Boot Inn Lapworth raise funds and awareness of this pernicious disease. We want a cure. To find a cure we need research. This costs money and that’s where you come in.
What they had to say about Ryans Removals “A big shout for our avid Villa fan and co-sponsor of this year’s event, Tom Ryan and Ryan’s Removals. Even though Tom has been very busy he still took the time to return my calls and weigh in with sponsorship. Thanks Tom, see you on the 6th”.

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100
Ryans Removals are always happy to be getting involved with various charities and charity events, and we are pleased to annonce that we are going to be sponsoring the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 2013 and also for 2014.

Ven 2 4 cancer
Dear Friends and Colleagues, A team from our Rye Head Office are joining UniGroup Worldwide UTS colleagues from across Europe in one of cycling’s toughest challenges to raise money for the Ven2-4 Cancer campaign.
Teams from Bournes (UK), Packimpex (Switzerland), Seegmuller (France), Voerman (Netherlands) and UniGroup UTS head office will take up the challenge on September 10th which involves cycling (in one day) 22km up the famous Mont Ventoux in France. The climb is one of the toughest in professional cycling and is described as one of the most gruelling climbs in the Tour de France race. On behalf of Ven2-4Cancer and Inspire2Live, more than 250 cyclists will unite this year again to gather funds in support of cancer recovery, prevention, cure & research. The idea of the challenge is that the struggle to conquer Mont Ventoux four times in one day symbolises the sheer impossible task that cancer patients face every day to live life to the fullest in spite of a disease – thus the charities motto is “Never Ever Quit”.
Wesley Bourne, Leon Bourne, Tom Bourne and Martin Keen will are already in strict training to prepare for the challenge.
Wesley Bourne, General Manager said of the challenge “I think we all know someone that has had their lives affected by Cancer. The sheer strength and determination required to Battle Cancer everyday is to most unimaginable. Our challenge and motivation is to understand a little more about how people live with Cancer and to raise awareness for those that require support and assistance as part of everyday life. Our thoughts will be with family, friends and colleagues of those unfortunate enough to face the uphill battle.” Martin Keen says he is finding additional motivation from his grandfather who having recently suffered with cancer is still fighting on at 82 years old, Martin explains “this is my drive to endure the pain and ‘never ever quit’ to do whatever I can to help raise money for this worthy cause”.
If you or your company would like to help support the Bournes team please get in touch! You can email bournes@uts-bournes.co.uk or call any of the team on 01797 228000 or write to us at Bournes, Harbour Road, Rye, East Sussex, TN31 7TE.
To find out more about the event please visit www.ven24cancer.wordpress.com
How to make a donation: We guarantee that 100% of all funds raised will be directly contributed to the research into prevention, cures and recovery of cancer.
We are thanking you in advance for your financial (and moral!!) support!

Football Aid
RYANS REMOVALS are proud to do their bit to help charities, especially when it comes to Tom Ryans 2nd love in life Aston Villa FC. Ryans Removals bid for a playing position every year and all the money raised goes towards the Football Aid Charity.
Along with playing on the famous Villa Park pitch and wearing the teams colours you have a legend player in both teams with a legend player as a manager too and its all for a good cause.

Knowle and Dorridge Rotary Club
Knowle and Dorridge Rotary Club has just finished its annual collection of tins of food from generous householders in their area. For the second year in succession, the collection was greatly assisted by the generous loan of large stackable crates from Ryans Removals. These crates, used by Ryans in their well-known local removals business, were ideal for the handling and sorting of the hundreds of items of food redistributed by Rotary to parts of the Birmingham area where the need is greatest.
The above photograph shows former president Norman Vernon, on the left, and Keith Mc David, President of the Rotary Club of Knowle and Dorridge. Keith said “We would like to thank the citizens of Knowle and Dorridge for their generosity in helping us to help others, and Ryans for making our job a whole lot easier”.

Health scheme has a lotta bottle
A new emergency information scheme was launched on Monday (April 28) by Solihull NHS Care Trust which will see over 37,000 bottles distributed to the borough’s over 65’s.
“Message in a Bottle” will be distributed with the help of the Lion’s Club and Ryan’s Removals, with the aim of making important medical and personal information easier to get hold of by emergency services.
A form is completed, put in a bottle and then placed in the fridge with a sticker on the front door to alert emergency services to the location of important medical details as well as personal information about patients which might need to be taken into account if they are taken ill.
Helen Strang, AgeSafe Coordinator said: “When an elderly person is taken ill, they are generally more concerned about who is going to look after their pet than about themselves. The information made available to emergency services can save valuable time when treatment is needed in a critical situation. Even if you do not have illness this will help the emergency services.”
Bottles will be available from the Lions Club, GP Surgeries and pharmacies. Call Helen Strang, AgeSafe Coordinator at Solihull NHS Care Trust on 0121 712 8299 for more information.